You can create a roulette by freely entering item names and percentages.
Item Name | Ratio |
It is a function that can be created by entering item names and percentages one by one.
Enter the item name and enter the percentage as a number to add a new input field.
Fields for which item names are not entered at the time of creation, and items where the ratio is not 0 or half-width numbers will be ignored.
Also, if you check the "randomize order", you can randomly shuffle the order when creating.
Click the "Create Roulette" button to create a roulette.
You can also choose between vertical and round shapes.
When you click the roulette "Start" button, the roulette will start moving and after a certain amount of time it will stop, and the result will be displayed.
You can create and save roulettes for free.
The created roulette can be saved by entering a title and clicking the "Save" button.
The saved roulette can be read from "Saved roulette".